
Mrs. Jermaine Jewel Jean-Pierre

Director of the Information and Communication Technology Unit,
Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica


Session - Day 2
Building an Innovation Agenda for the Future - Institutions, Strategy and Governance

Ms. Jermaine Jewel Jean-Pierre joined the Public Service of the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica in August 2000 on a temporary basis as an Administrative Cadet and was appointed on 1st March 2002.  Ms. Jean-Pierre’s entrance was amidst the years when the Public Service was migrating to the use of enhanced, sophisticated, information technology and telecommunications solutions. In January 2005, she was appointed to the position of Senior Systems Analyst.    During that time, Ms. Jean-Pierre championed the revolution of the Government of Dominica telecommunication system from a analog system to a Voice over Internet Procotol (VoIP) system which also saw the creation of the Government Wide Area Network (GWAN).  Ms. Jean-Pierre worked tiredly  to reduce the cost of telecommunication in the public service. As a result of her meditiously reviewing the telecommunication bills, there were many instances, when the Service Provider had to refund the Government of Dominica for overpayment.

From 1st January 2009, she has been serving as the Director of the Information, Communication and Telecommunication Unit, Establishment Personnel and Training Department. Ms. Jean-Pierre has been instrumental in the implementation and sustainability of IT systems and processes throughout the Public Service.  Her exemplary leadership has resulted in the efficient coordination, execution and monitoring of the use of ICTs within the public service and the continued empowerment of Public Officers in the use of ICT resulting in the reduced use of paper, and the reduction in time for doing business at some of the Government’s Departments.

She has demonstrated innovation and thoughtfulness in the planning and staging of the national ICTFEST, creating the platform for public relation and education to users and beneficiaries of the Public Service ICT systems.  

Under her leadership, the Government of Dominica has implemented a number of egovernment initiavities to include the Online Employee Portal, Government of Dominica Online Mobile Application, Government of Dominica Document Management System.

In addition to this, under her leadership and with support form other government agencies, the work of the ICT Unit was recognized with the award for “Jurisdiction of the Year” by Thomson Reuter at a ceremony in Las Vegas in 2016. The award represented the successful implementation and management of the Unified Lands Information System which manages land information from application to receipt of Land Title by the applicant.

Ms. Jean-Pierre goes beyond the call of duty to deliver on the mandate of the Unit.  She takes personal interest hence works arduous hours including on weekends and public holidays to mobilize work with service providers to ensure that there is limited or no interruptions of Government ICT systems.

Ms. Jermaine Jewel Jean Pierre serves relentlessly, with pride, efficiency and enthusiasm.  In 2014, she was recognized for her service with the Senior Manager of the Year and the Public Officer of the Year Awards.

The need to improve her skills and to make a more meaningful impact in her community lead Ms. Jean-Pierre to the United States of America where she studied for a BA in Computer Information Systems and subsequently a MBA in Information Technology and a MBA in Management of Information Systems. After completing her Masters’ Degree at Midwestern State University in Texas, she returned to Dominica where she continued her community work with the Rotary Club of Dominica. Besides being the Secretary of the Club, she have been the organizer of the Rotary Club of Dominica National Literacy Secondary School Quiz Competition. The underlying concept of the quiz is to reinforce student learning, inspire and actively encourage students to read widely, to develop understanding and critical thinking and gain leadership, team spirit and a sense of fair play. 
In 2013, Ms. Jean-Pierre served as a panelist  for the United Nations - Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)XII Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. She deliterated on the topic: “Challenges and risks of Information and Communication Technologies for Equality”.

In addition to Miss Jean-Pierre’s impressive record of achievement locally, she is also well known and recognized at the regional level through her interaction with various regional and international agencies and intergovernmental bodies such as the Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD) and CARICOM who she assisted in the development of the CARICOM eGovernment Strategic Plan as well as served as the focal point on ICTs matters.

Ms. Jean-Pierre’s passion for the development of the Information Technology Sector in Dominica is not only limited to the public service.  For the last five years, Ms. Jean-Pierre has been tutoring students of various primary schools in Dominica. Courses include web design, basic computer repairs and learning Microsoft office.  In addition to this, she has a scholarship program what provides scholarship to students entering their first year of high school in Dominica.

Ms. Jean-Pierre is a Fulbright Scholar.  

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